Associate Professor Larissa Schneider
Convener & Lead ResearcherHistorical atmospheric fluxes and deposition of mercury into the environment – Australian National University
Associate Professor Jenny Fisher
Convener and Lead ResearcherGlobal chemical transport model, atmospheric chemistry – University of Wollongong
Dr Tom Cresswell
CONVENER & LEAD RESEARCHERInteraction between mercury pollution and living organisms using nuclear techniques (radioisotope tracers) - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Professor Darren Sinclair
Convener & Lead ResearcherRegulation, governance and occupational health and safety in the mining industry – University of Canberra
Professor Simon Haberle
ResearcherEcological and climatic effects on mercury deposition in freshwater lakes - Australian National University
Dr Viena Puigcorbe Lacueva
Researcher and Group ModeratorFates of mercury in sea water – Edith Cowan University
Professor Susan Lawrence
ResearcherHistorical uses of mercury, industrial archaeology, mining heritage - La Trobe University
Professor Steven Djordjevic
ResearcherGenomics and proteomics for vaccine development and to study antibiotic resistance – University of Technology Sydney
Professor Cameron Holley
ResearcherRegulation, governance, environmental and natural resource law – University of New South Wales
Professor Amanda Reichelt-Brushett
ResearcherMarine Ecology Researcher - fate and consequences of contaminants in the environment - Southern Cross University
Professor Barry Noller
ResearcherEnvironmental scientist - fates and processes of metals and metalloids in the environment - The University of Queensland
Associate Professor Christian Sanders
ResearcherHistorical atmospheric fluxes and deposition of mercury into the environment – Australian National University
Dr Peter Davies
ResearcherSocial, industrial and environmental archaeology of colonial Australia - La Trobe University
Isabel Ely
PhD studentHistorical atmospheric fluxes and deposition of mercury into the environment – Australian National University
Dr Saul Guerrero
ResearcherHistory of the global use of mercury, 16th to 19th centuries, and its environmental consequences - Visiting Fellow, Australian National University
Dr Carla Eisenberg
ResearcherApplied ecology and wildlife conservation - Research Institute for Environment and Livelihoods - Charles Darwin University
Dr Janelle Stevenson
ResearcherPaleoecology, climate change, landscapes – The Australian National University
Dr Ylias Sabri
ResearcherDr Sabri is a chemical engineer working on nanomaterials for mercury measurement and removal - RMIT University
Dr Tatiana Komarova
ResearcherAnalytical, inorganic and environmental chemistry - Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services
Dr Francesca Gissi
ResearcherEnvironmental chemistry and toxicology. Working to inform decommissioning of offshore oil and gas infrastructure - ANSTO
Dr Duncan Cook
ResearcherResearch focuses on the development and application of models of tropospheric chemistry, including mercury - Australian Catholic University
Dr Steven Utembe
ResearcherResearch focuses on the development and application of models of tropospheric chemistry, including mercury.
Dr Robyn Schofield
ResearcherExpert across several areas of environmental science from atmospheric chemistry to air quality and climate science - The University of Melbourne
Dr Oscar Serrano
ResearcherExpert in marine ecology and palaeoecology at Centre for Advanced Studies of Blanes (Spanish National Research Council) and Centre for Marine Ecosystems Research (Edith Cowan University).
Nick Metherall
PhD studentPhD student working on mercury contamination from industries, with focus on spatial analyses (GIS) -Australian National University
Jalene Nalbant
PhD CandidateUsing lake sediments as archives of past environmental change to reconstruct the history of human-environment dynamics in Western Micronesia. -- The Australian National University
Rodger Yan
PhD CandidateCombining natural proxies and computational modelling to disentangle mercury's source and deposition – the Australian National University
Margot Schneider
PhD CandidateUsing mercury and other toxic metals in lake sediment records to reconstruct pollution trends and transport mechanisms from mainland Australia to the sub-antarctic Macquarie Island. – The Australian National University
Dr Graeme Batley AM
ResearcherAquatic contaminant fate and toxicity; water and sediment quality guideline development- Honorary Fellow, CSIRO Environment
Dr Alan Griffiths
ResearcherLong range atmospheric transport and atmospheric processes – Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)